Monday 7 April 2008

Team RANS disbanded

Been a bit busy to do the updates. Late in February, Glenn Druery was forced to withdraw from the team on account of slow recovery from the knee injury he sustained during RAAM 2007. The main sponsor chose to withdraw on this account.

I understand that Tim Woudenberg will do a 1,000 miles of RAAM with Richard Philabaum as his crew.

Talk is now switching to 2009 with another 4 man team taking shape. It seems that 2009 could be a big year for recumbent racing with Bacchetta and Volae indicating willingness to compete. let's hope.

Meanwhile we shift our eyes to supporting John Schlitter in his attempt to be the first solo recumbent finisher. He ahs the pedigree. We wish him the luck.

Saturday 12 January 2008

A new recumbent team for RAAM

A few hardy souls from Team Velokraft - finishers in RAAM 2007 have decided to take up the challenge for RAAM 2008.

Looks like the team will be a 4 man team - more sleep for riders and less sleep for crew - and they will ride RANS recumbents. Support will come from RANS sponsorship.

Crew is assembling with Richard Philabaum putting his hand up to be Crew Chief.

The cogs are turning and the phone lines burning as commitments are sought from riders, crew, sponsors and supporters.